Jade Stone Skin Roller
These hand held massagers have been a staple in Chinese skincare routines since the 7th century. These rollers help your skincare products penetrate deeper. They also will reduce puffiness, under eye circles, skin fatigue, increase your circulation and also help to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles.
It's most well-known benefit is that it helps to reduce puffiness and inflammation in the face due to stagnation of the lymphatic system. A Jade Roller will help to stimulate the lymphatic system. It will brighten your complexion and tighten pores.
You'll start to see impressive results with continued daily use.
Place your Jade Roller in the fridge for a few minutes before using and this will aid even more with any puffiness and tightening of pores.
For the best results use the roller after getting out of the shower or cleansing your skin. Massaging with the roller can instantly relieve tension by running it along your brows and jawline. Roll over your entire face, including under your eyes and close to your hairline. Also don't forget your neck area.
Use your Jade Roller in conjunction with your other skincare products, the tool will not just glide easier, but it will also help your facial oil, serum or moisturiser penetrate deeper into your skin, rather than sitting on the outer top layer.